Want to look like 24 at the age of 40? Remember these 4 rules of drinking water

Want to look like 24 at the age of 40?

Want to look like 24 at the age of 40? Remember these 4 rules of drinking water

Skin care tips: In this article, we are going to tell you about 4 such rules of drinking water, which if you start following, then even at the age of 40, the freshness of 24 will remain on your face.
Water for Anti-ageing: Water is very important not only for drinking but for many other things in our life. Like bathing, cleaning, washing clothes etc. Apart from this, water is also useful in keeping us healthy and young. It is also difficult to imagine human life without water. In this article, we are going to tell you about 4 such rules of drinking water, which if you start following, then even at the age of 40, the freshness of 24 years will remain on your face.

Rules for drinking water
 -The first rule is that you should never drink water immediately after eating food. Rather drink after half an hour. Apart from this, one should not drink water even while standing, this is also not considered good for health. If you want to drink something after a          meal, then you can take milk, shikanji, whey or curd.

- The second rule is that you should not drink water in one go, but you should sip it slowly. This improves the health of your stomach.

 -the third rule, you should avoid drinking cold water. No matter how thirsty you are, do not drink chilled water at all. It would be better to drink water from an earthen pot in summer.

- Apart from this, after getting fresh in the morning, drink a glass of lukewarm water. Only after this do you have breakfast or drink the first tea. By doing this, the toxins accumulated in the body will come out with the help of urine.

Disclaimer: This content provides general information only including advice. It is in no way a substitute for a qualified medical opinion. Always consult an expert or your doctor for more details. we do not claim responsibility for this information.

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